How to Crate Train a Puppy [Update 2024]

Crate training is a method of teaching a puppy his basic lessons using a wire mesh cage, metal, plastic, wooden or fabric crates. By setting out a positive and secure life style from the beginning, crate training minimises behavioural problems in the dog and leads to fast housetraining.

Moreover, a crate provides the dog with a secure ‘den’ and is very useful to the owner who can leave the puppy alone in the house for short periods at a time, safe in the knowledge that no damage will be done. On the following pages, we have endeavoured to answer some of the questions most commonly asked about crate training.

Puppy crate

What aspects of training does a crate help with?

A crate aids the all round development of a puppy if used from an early age. Begin by putting the puppy into his crate for a few minutes and praising him. Soon the puppy can be left alone for naps, and taken out regularly to relieve himself; a process which will lead quickly to housetraining.

Once your puppy has become accustomed to his crate and daily routine, he can be left for several hours at a time without you worrying about what he is up to.

Isn’t it cruel to put a dog in a crate?

No, not for limited periods. Experience has shown that a crate offers the dog a secure home, in the same way, that a den would do. The cage becomes your puppy’s haven from humans and satisfies his natural instincts to find a retreat.

Most puppies accept the crate after only three or four protests, so there’s no need to worry about an initial reaction against it.

Puppy Crate Training Guide | See Video

Where should I use a crate?

Your puppy’s crate should be in a family room where there is usually something happening, for example, the kitchen or living room. The container should be positioned away from draughts and direct heat but must be kept warm.

Once the puppy has become accustomed to it, the box can be used for restricting his movements when visiting friends or camping. Crates are also valuable during whelping or illness when you want to isolate the adult dog, and background of cage training makes this much more comfortable. Your adult dog can travel with increased safety if you install a crate in the back of your car.

What should I look for when buying a crate?

The crate must be of a durable wire construction with a mesh which is small enough to prevent paws and collars becoming entangled, but large enough for the puppy to see out. Ideally, the crate should be sufficiently roomy for an adult dog to stretch out in but have the facility to be partitioned off while the puppy is small.

When selecting a cage look ahead, you may need a model which can be fitted into the back of your car, or a portable one to use at shows when the dog is older.

How do I prepare the crate for my puppy?

A treat and a chew toy will keep your puppy occupied in his crate and some sort of washable bedding, such as a towel, will make him snug. A bowl of water should always be available, but make sure that you let your puppy out regularly to avoid mishaps!

It is essential to keep the container clean at all times, and removable floor trays under a wire bottom make this easier to achieve.

wooden dog cratesThe Crown range of folding animal cages from Shaws Pet Products offers a selection of standard wooden dog crates for all sizes of dog and is ideal for crate training. Made-to-measure crate area(so available to suit your individual requirements.

Crown pet products are made durable hardwood construction and can be supplied with either swing or flap doors. Floor trays are offered to make cleaning easier, and the range includes a model which fits most like fine furniture. For ease of storage, Crown wooden dog crates when not in use.

The Crown range is available from pet shops or directs from Amazon Pet Products.



  • Updated July 4, 2024
  • Blog
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